Shrek coloring pages

Shrek coloring pages 👹 is about a hilarious and heartwarming animated movie series that follows the adventures of an ogre named Shrek, his loyal donkey friend Donkey, his beautiful wife Princess Fiona and other fairy tale characters such as Puss in Boots, Dragon, Gingy and more. Shrek is a brave and kind hero who fights against evil villains like Lord Farquaad, Fairy Godmother and Prince Charming to protect his swamp and his friends.

One of the best ways to enjoy Shrek coloring pages at home is to print out some coloring sheets of your favorite characters and scenes. Coloring pages are not only fun but also helps children develop their creativity, fine motor skills and concentration.

Some of the Shrek coloring pages

  • Shrek with hearts: This coloring page features Shrek holding a bunch of hearts with his name on them. This is a cute and romantic page for Valentine’s Day or any day you want to express your love for Shrek.
  • Donkey from Shrek: This coloring page features Donkey, Shrek’s best friend and sidekick. Donkey is a funny and talkative animal who loves waffles, singing and making jokes. He also has a crush on Dragon, who later becomes his wife.
  • Puss in Boots: This coloring page features Puss in Boots, a charming and cunning cat who wears boots, a hat and a sword. He first appears as an assassin hired by King Harold to kill Shrek but later becomes his ally and friend. He has a soft spot for Fiona and often flirts with her.
  • Halloween themed Shrek coloring page: This coloring page features Shrek dressed as Frankenstein’s monster with Donkey dressed as Dracula behind him. They are surrounded by pumpkins, bats and spiders. This is a spooky and fun page for Halloween or any day you want to scare someone.
  • Christmas themed Shrek and Donkey coloring page: This coloring page features Shrek wearing a Santa hat with Donkey wearing reindeer antlers next to him. They are holding presents wrapped in green paper with red ribbons. This is a festive and cheerful page for Christmas or any day you want to celebrate.

You can use crayons, markers, pencils or paints to color your Shrek coloring pictures 👹. You can also add stickers, glitter or other decorations to make them more special. You can display your finished artwork on your wall, fridge or door. You can also share them with your friends and family or send them as cards.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Mike Myers, the voice actor of Shrek, originally recorded his lines with a Canadian accent but later changed it to a Scottish accent after watching Braveheart? 🎬

I hope you enjoyed this article about Shrek coloring pages. Have fun coloring! 😊

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